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Lesson 49 from the School of Biblical Evangelism

Check out The School of Biblical Evangelism.

More Phone Fishin Fotos
Trish finds two guys (Dan and Antoine) to speak on the air. You can listen to these witness encounters on our Previous Shows & Podcast section.
Dan, Antoine, and Trish

Dan and Trish
Dan and Trish

Ray is sharing the Gospel with Dan over the phone. Trish shared that Dan was so convicted after the show and said that everything made sense to him and that he needed to make some changes. You can listen to this conversation by clicking on the podcast link…
Aug 17, 2006 - Hour 1
Dan on the phone with Ray

Trish and Antoine
Antoine and Trish

Mark Spence our Dean of the School of Biblical Evangelism shares the Gospel with Antoine. Trish reported that even though Antoine is smiling in the photos but minutes later his expression change greatly. Antoine looked very sober. You can listen to this conversation by clicking on the podcast link…
Aug 17, 2006 - Hour 1
Antoine on the phone with Mark Spence

8 Reasons I Don’t Share My Faith


Get Out of Witnessing Cards
from Jerry Dorris

Just download, print, cut, and hand out.

GOW cards

By request!

Oprah the Baptist proclaims there are many ways to God.

She also claims you don’t need to believe in Jesus, just act like Him.

And that is Baptist how???


School of Biblical Evangelism

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Elvis Presley
Maybe Elvis Was Just a Carnal Christian

Confounding a Mormon or JW with the Deity of Christ.

Ask them, “What are the attributes of God?”

They will respond, “Omnipresent, omniscient, forgiving, creator.”

Then say, terrific, let me show you all the verses that show Jesus is all of those things and more.”

Attached on a pdf is a list of 182 verses that show Jesus is indeed all of those things.  Jesus is divine. Click the Lesson 49 from the School of Biblical Evangelism.
Lesson 49 from the School of Biblical Evangelism
Check out The School of Biblical Evangelism.

Trish visits the Hindu Temple to go fishin’.

Here are the photo’s of Kunal the agnostic Hindu.

Kunal with tract
He appeared to be very convicted after the witnessing encounter with Ray.

Here are the photos of the Hindu Temple and Vivek (the temple priest’s son).
Vivek (the temple priest’s son)

Vivek's Father
Vivek’s father sitting in his priestly seat.

vivek family
This is when Trish finished up the interview with a pink and blue optical illusion… they all really enjoyed that (you can see the entire family watching in the background (left to right: Vivek’s brother, Dad, and Mom even his dad is smiling WOW!).